Festival of St John 2019

Office Bearers 2019/20
R.W.M. Bro. Wallace Allan welcomes all to Festival Of St John
Bro. Robert McLauchlin W.S.W Bro. Ronnie Gemmill D.P.G.M.
Proposes Toast to Grand Lodge & Prov Gives his Reply
Bro. Wallace Allan R.W.M. proposes toast to his Installing Masters
Installing Masters give there reply
Bro. Eddie Drysdale S.D. Proposes Bro. Billy Hillson R.W.M. 1145 replies
Toast to the Visitors
Bro.Andrew Wallace P.M. Proposes toast to Stewards & Artsists Bro. Jock McEwen P.M. Replies
Bro Joe Robb I.P.M. brings the Festival of St John to a close while Bro. Paul Heron P.M. sings Absent Friends & The Tylers Toast