On Monday 23rd September 2024 Bro. Thomas Marshall P.M. was presented with his year 50 year Diploma by R.W.M. Bro. Peter Easton also in attendance was Bro. Iain McAuslan R.W.M. Lodge Scotia No.178
Lodge Lord Bruce 1601 was invited by Lodge Bannockburn Bruce and Thistle No.312 to send a representative to participate in the working of an Entered Apprentice Degree on Saturday 8th June 2024 as part of their 200 Centenary Year Celebrations. Every lodge in Scotland with either the name of Thistle or Bruce were invited to participate. I am delighted to say Bro. Wallace Allan P.M. represented 1601 holding the office of Inner Guard and also giving two lectures. A very large attendance was present including a Deputation from The Grand Lodge of Scotland and a Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire. An excellent degree was conferred considering there was no rehearsal and high praise was given to the degree team. Supporting 1601 was as the above photo Bro Charlie Rogerson P.M.
Bro. Thomas Bambourgh P.M. Bro. Wallace Allan P.M. Bro. John McEwen P.M.
On the 16th of November 2022, 1601, held a unique degree in that for the first time in the province it was held at 12.30pm. This was an idea thought up by our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro. Ronnie Gemmill to encourage elderly brethren who were unable to attend evening meetings. Our I.P.M. Bro. Wallace Allan was asked to form a degree team consisting of brethren from lodges throughout the province to confer a Fellow Craft Degree. Bro. Alan Borsbey R.W.M. 1186 was the conferring master. It proved to be a great success as 50 brethren attended this first ever afternoon meeting.
On Monday 27th February 2023 R.W.M. Bro. Peter Easton presented
Bro. Jimmy Bowes P.M. with his 50 year Diploma
On Wednesday 16th November 2022 Bro. George Watson P.M. Lodge St Andrew 1587 was made an Honorary Member of 1601 and was presented with his Diploma and Lodge Tie by
R.W.M. Bro. Robert McLauchlin
The Degree Team that conferred a Fellow Craft Degree on Wednesday 16th November 2022
Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithowshire visit on 16th November 2022
On Monday 25th April 2022 the lodge conferred the Mark Degree on two brethren
Bro Paul Heron P.M. Bro Alan Robertson Bro. James Mclean Bro. Robert Mclauchlin R.W.M.
On Monday 8th November 2021 Bro. Adam Beesley R.W.M. Lodge Scotia 178 was made an Honorary Member of 1601 and was presented with his Diploma and Lodge Tie by R.W.M. Bro Wallace Allan
Bro. Wallace Allan R.W.M. (proposer) Bro. Garry Stewart Sub Master (seconder) congratulate
Bro. James Mclean on receiving his Entered Apprentice Degree on Monday 11th October 2021
On Monday 27th September 2021 Bro. John Clarkson was presented with his 50 year Diploma by R.W.M. Bro Wallace Allan
On Monday 27th September 2021 Bro. Billy Hilson R.W.M. Lodge Blackridge 1145 was made an Honorary Member of 1601 and was presented with his Diploma and Lodge Tie by R.W.M. Bro. Wallace Allan
Bro. Robert McLauchlin Bro.Tom Bambourgh Bro. Wallace Allan Bro. Paul Heron Bro Andrew Wallace
Brethren on the 6th September I attended a committee meeting at the Lodge arriving early I was overwhelmed by the unbelievable changes to our Lodge
The main hall has been completely painted, new lighting system, new floor and wonderful glass display cabinets. The lounge, games room and hallway have all been completely painted. with new radiators throughout, New Electronic Front Door, CCTV Cameras, WiFi upgraded, Smart Television, New Debit Card machine and behind the bar the very latest in technology cash registers. Over and above all that the lodge / club banking system has been upgraded to online banking.
It is without doubt a lodge to be proud off and it was completed in the last 18 months by five truly dedicated freemasons who gave up there valuable time to complete this quite remarkable mission.
I am sure every 1601 member would like to pass on a debt of gratitude to the brethren for there quite outstanding achievement.
We have a Lodge A.G.M. meeting on Monday 13th September and I challenge every lodge member to attend and see this transformation to your Lodge.
Martin Neilly Bro. Tom Bambourgh P.M. Bro. Wallace Allan R.W.M.
Brethren I am sure like many of us we are missing our Masonic Meetings on a Monday Night and the Harmony thereafter. Unfortunately it looks like this lockdown could last well until mid 2021. Grand Lodge is still asking for contributions and as a lodge we are obliged to pay them, but with no income I am appealing to my fellow brethren of Lodge Lprd Bruce 1601 if they would seriously consider paying their Test Fees {£35} to the lodge. It is quite amazing how many accounts our Treasurer has had to pay out in the last six Months…. Income is literally NIL.......... while expenditure is HIGH.
There is several ways you can pay your test fees
The Royal Bank of Scotland Sort Code 83 28 21 A/C No. 00190064
Cheque payable to Lodge Lord Bruce 1601
Post to:
Lodge Lord Bruce 1601
Masonic Temple
Kidd Street
Bathgate Road
West Lothian
EH47 7LW
If you wish to pay by cash contact any of the 5 Man Committee who will gladly hand over your payment to our Treasurer Br. Tom Bambourgh P.M
I can assure you brethren it will be greatly received and faithfully applied Many thanks in anticipation
Our R.W.M. Bro. Wallace Allan has accepted our consignment of 10 Badges.This is to raise money for our P.G.M. Bro. Jim Ellis in his charity fund raising year. The cost of the badge is £5. If any brother would like to purchase a badge please contact our R.W.M.
by calling or text 07583295483.
It would be wonderful in these troubled times if our R.W.W. had to contact Provincial and ask for more.
This is an ideal opportunity to support Freemasonry: as we are unable to attend our Lodge at present.
******Thank You******
Our R.W.M. Bro. Wallace Allan has accepted our consignment of 10 Badges.This is to raise money for our P.G.M. Bro. Jim Ellis in his charity fund raising year. The cost of the badge is £5. If any brother would like to purchase a badge please contact our R.W.M.
by calling or text 07583295483.
It would be wonderful in these troubled times if our R.W.W. had to contact Provincial and ask for more.
This is an ideal opportunity to support Freemasonry: as we are unable to attend our Lodge at present.
******Thank You******
******Scottish Lodges*******
Click here for details of all Scottish Lodges
Monday 30th September 2019 the W.S.W and the Mature Members conferred a 1st Degree
Bro. A. Caven. Bro. J. McEwen P.M. Bro. M. Harvey P.M. Bro. A. Wallace P.M. Bro. A. Beesley W.S.W. 178 Bro. T. Bambourgh P.M.
Bro. A. Robertson( candidate) Bro. P. Heron P.M. Bro. W. Allan (conferring master) Bro. J. Robb R.W.M. Bro. R. McLauchlan S.D.
On Monday 22nd October 2018 Bro. Joe Robb W.J.W. M.E. selected a team of "Mature " brethren to carry out the Fellow Craft Degree.
Bro. K. Dodd Bro. D Richardson Br. R. McLachlan Br. J. Robb Bro. W. Allan Bro. T. Bambourgh Bro. D. Ure
Friendship Cup
On Saturday 18th August 2018 @ Seafield Bowling Club the annual Bowling Tournament between Lodge Lord Bruce 1601 and Lodge Scotia 178 Glasgow was held. I am delighted to inform the brethren that Lodge Lord 1601 were the victors and the winning team pictured above was:
Bro. Jimmy Robertson Bro. Eddie Drysdale Bro. Garry Drysdale Bro. Joe Robb
Well done brethren make sure you win the Trophy next year
Bro. John Smith : Bro. Andrew Wallace P.M. : Bro. Charlie Rogerson P.M.
Brethren who represented the lodge at the 200th Anniversary Ceremony of Rededication of Lodge St. John Midcalder 272 on Saturday 5th May 2018 @
The Houston House Hotel Uphall
On Monday 12th February 2018 R.W.M. Bro. Matt Harvey presented
Bro. Jim Ellis P.M. 827 with his Honorary Members Diploma and Lodge Tie
On Monday 12th February 2018 Bro. Charlie Rogerson P.M. was presented with his Jewel as Honorary Grand Director of Ceremonies of The Grand Lodge of Scotland and his Diploma by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro. James Ellis P.M. 827
Monday 12th February 2018
A memorable night in Lodge Lord Bruce 1601 with
Bro. Jim Ellis P.M. 827 Bro. Charlie Rogerson P.M. 1601 Bro. Matt Harvey R.W.M. 1601
On Monday 22nd January 2018 Bro. Matt Harvey R.W.M.
presented Bro David Ure P.M. with his 50 year Jubilee Diploma
On Monday 8th January 2018 Bro. Matt Harvey R.W.M. presented
Bro. Charlie Rogerson P.M. with his 50 year Jubilee Diploma
and a 50 Year Anniversary Jewel
On Monday 28th November 2016 Bro. Joe Robb I.P.M. presented Bro. Tommy Steel I.P.M. 1186
with his Honorary Members Diploma and Lodge Tie
On Monday 14th November 2016 R.W.M. Bro. Joe Robb presented Bro. Alan Duthie I.P.M. 178
with his Honorary Members Diploma & Lodge Tie
On Monday 14th November 2016 Bro. Charlie Rogerson presented the Lodge with a Heart Start Defibrillator
Lodge Lord Bruce successful Bowling Team 2016
Bro. Garry Drysdale W.S.W Bro David Heggie Bro. Andrew Fleming P.M. H.M.1601 Bro. John Weir Bro. Wallace Allan P.M.
On the 24th October 2016 Bro. Joe Robb R.W.M. presented Bro Robert Taylor with his 50 year Jubilee Diploma while Bro John Weir presented Bro. Robert with a 50 year Jewel on behalf of the family
On Wednesday 19th October 2016 four of the brethren from the Lodge visited Bro. Tom Smyth at his home to celebrate his 97th Birthday The brethren gifted Bro. Tom with a 50 year Jewel, 5oth Anniversary Tie and a Photograph.
Tom's mother lodge is Whifflet St John 963 Coatbridge
In 1963 Tom became a Founder Member of 1601 and to the best of our knowledge he along with Bro. Jim Girdwood P.M F.M. and
Bro. Hugh Haston F.M. are the only surviving Founder Members (if you know otherwise please contact) He was our lodge Almoner for 12 years. Due to ill health Tom could not attend the lodge to receive his 50 year Jubilee Certificate. The brethren decided to present Tom with a 50 year Jewel to commemorate his 53 years as a member of Lodge Lord Bruce 1601.
Tom was delighted to meet with the brethren and have a good chat about "The Auld Times"
His only wish was that he could get out to attend a lodge meeting. ( Almoners Post is still vacant Tom )
Brethren in the photograph Bro. David Shields Almoner Bro. Joe Robb R.W.M. Bro. Phil Devitt Ass. Sec P.M. Bro. Charlie Rogerson D.O.C.
Brethren who took part in the Young Masons Degree team on Monday 11th October 2016
Bro. R. McLauchlin Bro R. Scott Bro. D Ure P.M. Bro K. Dodd
Bro. R. Hastie Bro. J. Drysdale P.M. Bro. G Drysdale (Conferring Master) Bro. J. Barnes
On Friday 5th February 2016 within the premises of Lodge Lord Bruce 1601
Bro. James Ellis Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master presented
Bro. Thomas Marshall P.M. 1601 with his Provincial Grand Senior Wardens Jewel
Bro. Marshall was Initiated into 1601 in May 1972 & R.W.M. in 1990/91
In 2001 when our Provincial Representative Bro. John Clarkson was presented with his Provincial Grand Senior Wardens Jewel, the lodge was now looking for a new representative. Bro. Marshall was asked if he would like to become our representative to which he replied: "I will cover it for a year and see what happens"
15 years later he received his Senior Wardens Jewel.
A year is a long time in Freemasonary
As a debt of gratitude for his services on Monday 8th February 2016
R.W.M. Bro. Joe Robb on behalf of the lodge presented Tom with a
Provincial Grand Senior Wardens Apron, Sash & Case
Congratulations to Bro Tom Marshall P.M. from all at Lodge Lord Bruce
Monday 14th December 2015
R.W.M. Bro Joe Robb presents Bro. David Heggie with his 50 year Jubilee Certificate
Monday 26th October 2015
R.W.M. Bro. Bro Matt Harvey presents Bro John Weir M.M. with his 50 year Jubilee Certificate
Bro John Weir was initiated into Lodge Lord Bruce 1601 in May 1965
He is the first initiate of 1601 to be presented with the 50 year Jubilee Certificate in his Mother Lodge
Monday 26th October 2015
Bro Richard Park P.M. Lodge Nisbet Tranent 1112 was made an Honorary Member of 1601
R.W.M. Bro. Matt Harvey presents Richard with his Diploma and Lodge Tie
Monday 28th September 2015
Bro. Alan Borsbey P.M. Lodge St John Stoneyburn 1186 was made an Honorary Member of 1601.
R.W.M. Bro. Matt Harvey presents Alan with his Honorary Members Diploma and Lodge Tie
Friday 5th June 2015 at Lodge Almondale 1658 Bro. Patrick McCluskey P.M. Lodge
Lord Bruce 1601 was presented with his Jubilee 50 Years Service Certificate to
Bro Robert W. Scott R.W.P.G.M. of Linlithgowshire.
Bro James Caven R.W.M. 1658 on behalf of Lodge
Almondale presented to Bro. Pat.
McCluskey P.M. a 50 Year Service Jewel
Bro. Pat McCluskey is an Honorary Member of 7 Lodges and in February 2015 he
was presented with the Honorary
Provincial Grand Junior Warden Jewel for services to Freemasonry by Bro. Robert
W. Scott.
Bro. Pat was initiated into Lodge Lord Bruce 1601 in
May 1965 and thereafter was R.M.M. in 1973/4.
Several of the brethren from Lodge Lord Bruce attended the meeting and many
congratulations was given by all.
Brethren who took part in the Young Masons 1st Degree on Monday 13th April 2015
Conferring Master Bro. Joe Robb W.S.W.
Bro. R. McLauchlan Bro. D Ure Bro. A Caven Bro. D. Richardson Bro. G. Rennie
Bro. J. Barnes Bro. J. Kernachan Bro. J. Robb Bro. G. Drysdale Bro. W. Paton Bro. J. Quipp
R.W.M. Bro. Matt Harvey places a plaque on the wall presented to 1601 by Lodge Kirkton Hall 1614 to commemorate their 50th Anniversary as a Sponsor Lodge. Lodge Lord Bruce 1601 visited them on the 3rd April 2015 and conferred a 3rd Degree
Monday 30th March 2015
As one of the sponsor Lodges of Lodge Kirkton Hall 1614
and to celebrate their 50th Anniversary R.M.M. Bro. Matt Harvey presented engraved Deacons Wands to
R.W.M. Bro. Jim McLaughlin on behalf of Lodge Lord Bruce 1601
Monday 13th October 2014
R.W.M Bro. Derek Hope 114 presented Bro. John McEwen Tyler P.M. 1601 with his 50 year diploma
also congratulating him was R.W.M. Bro. Paul Heron 1601
Monday 22nd September 2014
R.W.M Bro Paul Heron presents Bro Stuart Learmonth P.M. 13 with his Honorary Members Diploma and 50th Anniversary Tie
Brethren who took part in the Young Masons Degree on Monday 22nd September 2014
Conferring Master: Bro Matt Harvey W.J.W. P.M.
Bro. A Caven Bro. D Richardson Bro. D. Hastie Bro. K Dodd Bro. J Barnes
Bro J. Smith Bro. J Robb Bro. G Rennie Bro. Matt Harvey Bro. R McLauchlan (Candidate) Bro. J. Kernachan Bro. D Ure
9th December 2013
A Degree Team made up of Honorary Members of 1601 conferred the Entered Apprentice
Degree to celebrate the first ever Degree worked in Lodge Lord Bruce in December 1963
Bro. H. Baxter. 178 Bro. D. Fergie.. 1112 Bro. Stuart Hay 178 Bro. T. Walker 272 Bro. R. Gemmill 1186 Bro. Jim Cole 1658
Bro. T. Duncan 1186 Bro. D. O'Neil 374 Bro. G. Preston 272 Bro. P. Heron R.W.M. Bro. F. Winters 1145 Bro. T. Doherty 1186
Brethren who took part in the Young Masons 1st degree Monday 14th October 2013
Conferring Master Bro. Paul Heron W.S.W P.M.
Bro. G. Rennie Bro. D.McIndoe Bro. J. Murray Bro. D. Taylor Bro. J. Smith Bro. M. Harvey
Bro. D Hastie Bro. R. Hastie Bro. P. Heron Bro. D Richardson( candidate) Bro. A Rennie Bro. J. Kernachan. Bro. J. Huston
Bro. Robert Russell P.M. 1601 along with Bro Kirk Rodger R.W.M. 636 and Bro Allan Rennie R.W.M. 1601
with his 50 years service diploma
Bro. Robert Russell along with brethren from his Mother Lodge 636 after receiving his 50 year diploma
On Monday 28th January 2013 R.W.M. Bro. Allan Rennie welcomed Lodge Heart of Midlothian 832
to confer the 2nd Degree..... Lodge 832 was headed by their R.W.M. Bro David Holburn
This picture says it all
Bro. Charlie Rogerson P.M. Bro. David Holburn R.W.M. 832 Bro. Allan Rennie R.W.M.
L/Cpl Bro. Tommy Couper presenting a photo to R.W.M. Alan Dale on behalf of Lodge Lord Bruce
Bro. Couper is serving in The Black Watch 3rd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland and after his tour of duty in Afghanistan was assigned to Balmoral during Her Majesty's Stay
The photograph is of Bro. Tommy Couper and his regiment with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth
Young Masons Degree on Monday 24th September 2012
Conferring Master Bro. Allan Rennie W.S.W. M.E.
Young Masons Degree with our newest Entered Apprentice
Bro. Robert Hastie
On Monday26th March 2012 R.W.M. Bro. Alan Dale welcomed a deputation from various lodges throughout the English Constitution to witness the Master Mason Degree on two Fellow Crafts Freemasons
The under 35 degree team who conducted a 2nd Degree in the lodge on Monday 30th January 2012
The degree team was headed by Bro Scott Robertson R.W.M. 1186
R.W.M. Bro. Alan Dale with brethren from America who attended the lodge on Monday 23rd January 2012
Bro. Alex King R.W.M presented Bro. Andrew Fleming P.M. 13 with his Honorary Members Diploma
and Lodge Tie on Monday 14th November 2011
R.W.M. Bro. Alex King presented Bro.Tom Duncan P.M. 1186 and Bro. Tom McAllister I.P.M. 413
with there Honorary Members Diploma & Lodge Tie on Monday 24th October 2011
Young Masons Degree Monday 11th April 2011
Conferring Master Bro. Alan Dale W.S.W. P.M.
Bro. A. Caven Bro. J. Kavanagh Bro. K. Dodd Bro. J. Robb Bro. H. Stubbs
Bro.A. Rennie Bro.G. Drysdale Bro.A. Dale Bro.T. Cooper E.A. Bro.D. McIndoe Bro.J. Murray Bro.D. Taylor
Conferring Master Bro. Alan Dale W.S.W. P.M. welcomes 1601 newest Entered Apprentice Bro. Tommy Cooper into the Lodge. Bro. Cooper is a member of the armed forces serving in: The Royal Regiment of Scotland . 3 Scots . Black Watch at present in Fort George.
Just like one of our other brethren Bro. Graham Thomson, Bro. Tommy will in the near future be doing his tour of duty in Afghanistan. Bro. Tommy is hopeful it may be nearer the end of the year in order for him to receive his 2nd and 3rd Degrees.
No matter when, 1601 is very proud of both our brethren and wherever they serve our country, we wish them well.
Bro. Alan Dale W.S.W P.M. 6092 Worthy Master Bro. Richard Brown 6092 Bro. Robert Clements P.M. 1601
On the 6th September 2010 Bro Alan Dale W.S.W. P.M. along with Bro. Robert Clements P.M. visited
Lodge of St Peter 6092 Province of Bedfordshire (Bro. Alan's Mother Lodge) on this occassion it was the
last meeting of Bro Richard Brown Worthy Master
Two Brethren from Lodge Scotia Glasgow 178 who were made Honorary Members on Saturday 25th September 2010
Bro. James Thomson R.W.M. 178 R.W.M. Bro Philip Devitt 1601 Bro Stephen Glover P.M. 178
R.W.M. Bro. Philip Devitt gives Bro. Graham Thomson M.M. 1601 ( with his new lodge regalia) a warm welcome back in to the lodge after his tour in Afghanistan
Our visiting brothers from Lodge of St Peter 6092
Bro. Alex King W.S.W. and the young mason who worked a 1st Degree on Saturday 10th April 2010
Bro. Tony Caven Bro. Alan Dale Bro. Henry Stubbs
Bro. George Thomson Bro. Allan Rennie Bro. Alex King W.S.W. Bro. Gordon Rennie Bro. Joe Robb
On Monday 25th January 2010 R.W.M. Bro Philip Devitt presented to Bro John Clarkson Architect with his,
Diploma of Distinguished Service Membership in token of appreciation of his long and faithful service to the lodge
Diploma of Distinguished Service Membership in token of appreciation of his long and faithful service to the lodge
Bro. John Clarkson
On Monday 23rd November 2009 Bro. Philip Devitt R.W.M. presented Bro John Clarkson with the Almoners Jewel.
Brother John Clarkson has been the Lodge Almoner for 21 years and reluctanly he had to retire from the post this year due to family health reasons.
Such is John's enthusiasm for the craft at our recent installation he was installed as Lodge Architect a post that can allow him to spend a bit more time at home.
Bro. John Clarkson holds quite a unique record in freemsonary, being the longest ever serving Almoner in 1601.
In 2001 in his mother lodge of 1601 after 14 years of loyal service to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithgowshire he was presented with the jewel of Provincial Grand Senior Warden by the then Provincial Grand Master Bro Gavin McDonald.
John is the first brother in the history of Lodge Lord Bruce to have achieved this high position. He also has the proud record of being the first Brother in the history of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithgowshire to have achieved this honour having never been a Past Master
The brethren of Lodge Lord Bruce hold Brother John Clarkson in high esteem and look forward to seeing him come about the lodge for many years to come.
Brother John Clarkson has been the Lodge Almoner for 21 years and reluctanly he had to retire from the post this year due to family health reasons.
Such is John's enthusiasm for the craft at our recent installation he was installed as Lodge Architect a post that can allow him to spend a bit more time at home.
Bro. John Clarkson holds quite a unique record in freemsonary, being the longest ever serving Almoner in 1601.
In 2001 in his mother lodge of 1601 after 14 years of loyal service to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithgowshire he was presented with the jewel of Provincial Grand Senior Warden by the then Provincial Grand Master Bro Gavin McDonald.
John is the first brother in the history of Lodge Lord Bruce to have achieved this high position. He also has the proud record of being the first Brother in the history of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithgowshire to have achieved this honour having never been a Past Master
The brethren of Lodge Lord Bruce hold Brother John Clarkson in high esteem and look forward to seeing him come about the lodge for many years to come.
Bro. Graham George Thomson M.M. 1601
The brethren of Lodge Lord Bruce were delighted to welcome back Bro Graham Thomson into the lodge after his Tour of Duty in Afghanistan. Unfortunately Bro Graham's return is just as the lodge goes into recess and before we re-open in September Graham will be serving in Germany, then back of to Afghanistan. From everyone in the Lodge we wish him well and look forward to him returning home safe and sound and wearing his new lodge regalia back in 1601.
On 28th February Graham finished 56th in Hesco Half Marathon in camp Bastion Afghanistan with a time of 1hr 33mins. A fantastic time under such terrible conditions There was 500 soldiers who started the race representing countries from America, Denmark Estonian and all three services from the British Army.
To Graham and all the competitors well done lads and everyone back home is very proud of you.
Graham is 22 years old and a Master Mason of 1601 and the son of Bro. George Thomson the Lodge Inner Guard
Bro Graham is a SAPPER with the Royal Engineers
It is quite amazing the interest Brethren from other lodges have asked me about Graham. On my visits to other lodges I am quite proud when a brother asks how is Graham doing, not only as a freemason but as a soldier serving our country overseas While Graham is, at the present time home on leave, it will not be long before he returns for duty and we will be corresponding with e mails and keeping you up to date with his activities (Bro. Charlie Rogerson P.M.)
On 28th February Graham finished 56th in Hesco Half Marathon in camp Bastion Afghanistan with a time of 1hr 33mins. A fantastic time under such terrible conditions There was 500 soldiers who started the race representing countries from America, Denmark Estonian and all three services from the British Army.
To Graham and all the competitors well done lads and everyone back home is very proud of you.
Graham is 22 years old and a Master Mason of 1601 and the son of Bro. George Thomson the Lodge Inner Guard
Bro Graham is a SAPPER with the Royal Engineers
It is quite amazing the interest Brethren from other lodges have asked me about Graham. On my visits to other lodges I am quite proud when a brother asks how is Graham doing, not only as a freemason but as a soldier serving our country overseas While Graham is, at the present time home on leave, it will not be long before he returns for duty and we will be corresponding with e mails and keeping you up to date with his activities (Bro. Charlie Rogerson P.M.)
A well travelled Brother from 1601 is Bro. Alex Wright having visited many lodges throughtout the world Here Alex is visiting Carstairs Lodge No. 20 Alberta Canada in April 2009 along with 3 other Scots Bro. John Renfrew Lodge Roman Eagle 160
Bro Alex Wright 1601 Bro. Ian Galbraith P.M. Liberty Lodge 419
Bro Alex Wright 1601 Bro. Ian Galbraith P.M. Liberty Lodge 419
A Visit to Lodge Elgin and Bruce in 2001
In 2001 Bro James Millar the then R.W.M. headed a large deputaion from Lodge Lord Bruce to Lodge Elgin and Bruce 1077 a lodge that is well worth a visit.
The photograph taken on that visit includes the Reigning Masters who attended the meeting that evening with second from the right being the late Bro John Herbison P.M. 1658 and H.M. of 1601
The photograph taken on that visit includes the Reigning Masters who attended the meeting that evening with second from the right being the late Bro John Herbison P.M. 1658 and H.M. of 1601