As this is a long web page please scroll down slowly Brethren over the last 3 years the 50th Anniversary Committee have been working hard in raising funds in order that we can donate monies to various charities and organizations at our 50th Anniversary Dinner Various fund raising events have taken place from Physic Evenings, Hogmany Fundraising Show, Selling 1601 Button Badges, Raffling a bottle of Whisky, Fancy Dress Evening and many more Brethren I am delighted to inform that as a result of all the hard work your efforts have now come to fruition and the following charities and organisations will recieve: the following donations 1. Edinburgh Hospital for Sick Children "Support Wing" = £200 2. Motor Neuron Disease Scotland = £250 3. Alzheimer’s Disease Scotland = £300 4. Blackburn Parish Church = £250. 5. Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Blackburn = £250 . 6. Special Olympics West Lothian = £200 . 7. Make a Wish Foundation Scotland = £500 . 8. Lung Foundation Scotland = £200 . 9. Help the Heroes Scotland = £250 . 10. McMillan Nurses Scotland = £300 11. Prostrate Cancer Scotland; £400 12. Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithgowshire Charities Appeal = £200 13. Whitburn Thistle Boys Football Team Complete set of Team Strips = £297.
In all 13 charities/organizations are benefiting from the 50th Anniversary Fund........ A Total of £3597 The committee decided that remaining funds be held in reserve, as we are now into our 50 year and that some worthy causes may require benevolence in the near future Brethren: I would like to take this opportunity to thank every freemason, there families and friends for the wonderful effort they have achieved in raising this sum of money and in some small way will go towards helping and making lives a little easier for the less unfortunate. R.W.M. Bro. Allan Rennie
****** 50th ANNIVERSARY *****
Saturday 10th August 2013 is a day that will go down in Masonic history in Lodge Lord Bruce. The celebration of 50 years in the form of a Rededication Ceremony. After opening the lodge our D.O.C. Bro. Charlie Rogerson presented two brethren representing our Sponsor Lodges. Representing Lodge St John Crofthead 374 was R.W.M Bro Stevie Savage and representing Lodge Hopebridge Castle 827 Depute Master. Bro. William Vietch. R.W.M. Bro Allan Rennie welcomed both brethren in to the lodge and invited them to take there rightful place in the East. Bro. David Watt D.O.C. of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithgowshire asked all brethren to be upstanding to receive a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithgowshire headed by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro. Robert W. Scott. R.W.M. Bro Allan G Rennie welcomed Bro. Scott in to the lodge and invited him to his rightful place in the East also presented was Bro. James Ellis D.M, Bro. David Rintoul S.M., Bro. Jim Hilditch P.P.G.M., & Bro. Ronnie Gemmill P. G.S. The remainder of the large deputation was welcomed in to the lodge by the R.W.M. Thereafter Br. Bro. John Kernachan I.G. announced an alarm and a deputation from Grand Lodge of Scotland seeked admission The deputation was admitted and D.O.C. Bro Charlie Rogerson P.M. proudly presented Bro. Andrew Bruce, Earl of Elgin, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland (Lord Bruce) H.M. 1601. to R.W.M. Bro. Allan G. Rennie who welcomed Bro. Earl of Elgin into the lodge and thanked him for accepting our invitation to the 50th Rededication Service then assisted him to his rightful place in the East R.W.M. Bro. Allan Rennie welcomed the remainder of the deputation Bro. George Preston P.M. 272 H.M. 1601 and Bro. James Robertson P.M. 1186 H.M. 1601 in to the Lodge. Provincial Grand Lodge then accepted the gavel and continued with the 50th Rededication Ceremony in an excellent and dignified manner with new Masonic Regalia, new Working Tools and a 50th Anniversary Plaque all blessed by Bro. Robert Potter P.G. Chaplain. Bro. Robert W. Scott gave a speech at the end of the ceremony congratulating Lodge Lord Bruce on achieving their first 50 years. Before retiring Bro. Lord Elgin gave a humorous and very interesting toast to 1601 and made specific reference to Bro. William Pilmer P.M. F.M. 1601 on his meeting with him to discuss the forming of a new lodge in West Lothian back in 1963. At the close of his speech a rapturous applause was given to Bro Earl of Elgin. At the end of the meeting Worthy Master Bro. Sam Ferguson of Lodge St Marks 105 Canada made a presentation to the R.W.M who thanked him on behalf of the brethren of 1601. Bro. Steve Savage R.W.M. 374 also made a presentation to the lodge on behalf of our sponsor lodge. R.W.M. likewise thanked him for the kind gift and accepted on behalf of 1601. Bro. Allan G Rennie then presented a 50th Anniversary Jewel to Bro. Tom Steel W.S.W Lodge St John Stoneyburn 1186 as a thank you for making and presenting a complete set of working tools for all the degrees to be used in the lodge. At the Dinner all Brethren present were presented with a History of Lodge Lord Bruce 1601 booklet and a 50th Anniversary Button Hole Badge
TOAST LIST 50th ANNIVERSARY DINNER Queen & Craft Bro Allan G. Rennie R.W.M. Grand Lodge of Scotland & Provincial Grand of Linlithgowshire Bro. Matthew Harvey S.D. P.M. Reply; Bro. Robert W. Scott R.W.P.G.M. of Linlithgowshire Lodge Lord Bruce; Bro William Morrison P.M. 178. H.M. 1601 Reply Bro. Charlie Rogerson D.O.C. P.M. 1601 Visitors Bro Allan G. Rennie R.W.M. 1601 Reply; Bro. Andrew Fleming P.M. 13 H.M. 1601 Absent Friends: Founder Members: Tyler's Toast: Bro. Paul Heron W.S.W. P.M.
Bro. Earl of Elgin Bro. Allan G. Rennie Bro. Robert W. Scott
Bro. Earl of Elgin admires the portrait of Bro. William Pilmer P.M.
Visiting Brethren from Canada
R.W.M. Bro Allan Bro Rennie welcomes Worthy Master Bro Sam Ferguson
Bro. Tom Smith R.W.M. 272 starts of the Harmony
Organist: Bro. Stuart Learmonth P.M. 13
At the close of the 50th Anniversary Dinner Paul Heron sang the song " Absent Friends"
Where the hell is Charlie !!!!!
Brethren as I was a top table Guest I apologise that I could not feature everyone's photograph on the website but it is a difficult trying to do two jobs and unfortunately age is catching up on me 50 next year !!!!!!!!! Charlie Rogerson P.S. If any brother has taken photo's and you want them on the Web Site just e mail them to me and I will try and feature